
Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's Not About the Grown-Ups

Teaching isn't about the grown-ups. It's about the kids. It's about making kids feel as though anything is possible and they can accomplish everything they want. It's about making sure that all of our students feel like rock stars.

The last few weeks I have been reading The Junkyard Wonders by Patricia Polacco to my class and using it as a mentor text for a variety of skills and strategies. If you've ever wondered about the impact one teacher can have, I highly recommend you read this story. Bring your tissues, my friends.

I also read something on my cousin's Facebook wall today. It said:

Fair isn't everybody getting the same thing. Fair is everybody getting what the need in order to be successful.

This is what we all need to remember. It's not about the adults. It's about the kids. What have YOU done to make things fair for your students today? What have you done to make them all feel like rock stars?

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